Deliciously Dark
A transformative 13-week programme designed to help women tap into their deliciously dark divine feminine energy. By descending into a deep connection with your body, you’ll cultivate radical self-love, unshakeable self-confidence and unlock Goddess-worthy sensuality. Discover your inner wild woman and embrace a level of freedom, power and pleasure like never before.
Are you ready to feel turned on by life and uncover a wellspring of untapped feminine wisdom?
Welcome, Sister. You’ve made it home.
Are you ready to feel turned on by life and uncover a wellspring of untapped feminine wisdom?
Welcome, Sister. You’ve made it home.
Join our priority list
Our brand new immersive Deliciously Dark programme is going live in March 2025. Be the first to know all the details about this offering by leaving your name and email address.
Thank you!
Are you a woman who wants to restore her sensuality, heighten her pleasure and reconnect to her body's innate wisdom, but you have absolutely no idea how or where to start?
Maybe this sounds familiar to you:
You feel disconnected from your body, sometimes feeling like it’s more of a burden to be a woman than a blessing
You avoid your sexuality and intimacy because it feels awkward, intimidating, embarrassing, like a chore or inaccessible to you
You feel far from being the empowered sensual Goddess that you know deep down you deserve to be
You lack the confidence to take ownership of your sexuality, assert your boundaries and communicate what you want and need
You struggle to know what brings you pleasure and need some guidance on what to do next
You struggle with low libido and feel disempowered by your sexuality
You believe 'good girls’ don't enjoypleasure or find it difficult to separate your sexual side from your other roles in life
You feel tired of your body image dictating the joy, happiness and pleasure you experience in life
You’re fed up of emotions like guilt, shame, judgement or comparison affecting your sensuality and self expression
You're sick of feeling like you have to fit into what society expects of you but not sure how to break free
You long for a feeling of freedom and liberation and just want to stand in your power as a woman
You just feel like something is missing in the magic of womanhood but just don’t know what it is
You’re actually really connected to your sexuality but just want more, more, more
You already do feel like a juicy, sensual Goddess and just want to deepen your descent into deliciously dark energy
You avoid your sexuality and intimacy because it feels awkward, intimidating, embarrassing, like a chore or inaccessible to you
You feel far from being the empowered sensual Goddess that you know deep down you deserve to be
You lack the confidence to take ownership of your sexuality, assert your boundaries and communicate what you want and need
You struggle to know what brings you pleasure and need some guidance on what to do next
You struggle with low libido and feel disempowered by your sexuality
You believe 'good girls’ don't enjoy
You feel tired of your body image dictating the joy, happiness and pleasure you experience in life
You’re fed up of emotions like guilt, shame, judgement or comparison affecting your sensuality and self expression
You're sick of feeling like you have to fit into what society expects of you but not sure how to break free
You long for a feeling of freedom and liberation and just want to stand in your power as a woman
You just feel like something is missing in the magic of womanhood but just don’t know what it is
You’re actually really connected to your sexuality but just want more, more, more
You already do feel like a juicy, sensual Goddess and just want to deepen your descent into deliciously dark energy
Reclaim What Truly Belongs to You.
Victoria welcomes you into her beautiful community of consciously and soulfully living women with her brand new Rebirth programme: ‘Deliciously Dark’. Having transformed the lives of thousands of women over 15 years through coaching, retreats and sister circles, delivering public speeches, including a TEDx talk on the divine feminine, writing a book on the archetypes of the divine feminine and through years of qualification, experience and research Victoria provides the most sacred space to show you exactly how to transform your entire life through the art of womanly sensuality and by tapping into what is your birth right of delightfully dark divine feminine energy.
Not only that but she will show you how to build an unbreakable bond with your body that lasts a lifetime.
- Imagine not having to act or feel like your sex life needs to be a performance
- Imagine not feeling like you have to turn the lights off anymore
- Imagine not feeling disempowered or like an object but instead like your sexuality is on your terms and in your control
- Imagine no longer having to miss out on events, plans and your social life because of how you feel about your body
- Imagine no longer feeling like there are conditions on your body confidence, freeing yourself from the ‘I’ll be happy when’ mentality
- Imagine not being scared to assert yourself and tell more people ‘no’ whilst you actively say ‘yes, yes, yes’ to yourself
- Imagine no longer carrying the feelings of anxiety, guilt and shame around your sexuality
- Imagine no longer comparing yourself to anyone else because you’re fully embodied in your own womanly magic
Here's What Perhaps Isn't Helping You Right Now:
You don't make yourself, let alone your pleasure, a priority or perhaps even know how to
You're comparing yourself to other women and putting yourself under pressure to be 'perfect' which leaves you feeling unworthy
You're stuck under the control and influence of the patriarchy and societal expectations and rules
You're focusing on external metrics of 'success' for your sexuality like your partner, image or societal expectations
You're operating throughout your life from a predominantly masculine energy
You're repeating habits you know don't help you to feel like a Goddess, and then criticising yourself for being stuck in cycles
You think you are to blame for a lack of connection to your sexual and sensual energy
You tell yourself things like you're 'broken' or 'undeserving' of a deeply passionate and pleasure filled life
The Deliciously Dark Offering:
Here's what is included in your 13 week
immersive programme
immersive programme
13 Educational Masterclass
Enjoy a live and recorded group training class every single week, ranging from; the power of the period, to the history of female sexuality, Shakti energy, the Sacral Chakra and orgasm to self love and devotion. Empowering you through education to last a lifetime.
Weekly Rituals and Practices
Unlock the codes to activating your 'Goddess Mode' with implementable practices to compliment your progress every single week, making sure you are an active participant in your own sensuality and no longer just a passenger.
Specialised Sister Service
Victoria is already your number one fan, but receive daily support on a 121 basis and two monthly private calls to share your progress, reflect on your journey and be accountable throughout the programme.
Embodiment Library and Lives
Drop and surrender into your body with free movement practices, whether live or on demand. Ranging from somatics, to sensual dance, to free flowing feminine expression to pelvic floor rehabilitation and activation.
Yoga Vault
Throwing tradition out of the window by turning a regular yoga practice into a free flowing, fluid and feminine art form. Every on demand Rebirth yoga practice has been cultivated with optimal female health, feminine energy and expression in mind.
Sisterhood Community
Have ongoing access to a collective and close community of like-minded soul sisters as you uncover the layers of intimacy in your journey and embark on the path to progression together.
On Demand Learning Portal
Enjoy and commit to your education long after your programme has finished with a whole year's access to your learning dashboard giving you the time and space you need for full integration of your teachings.
Initiation and Closing Ceremony
Feel worshipped, appreciated and heard in an opening Diiksha (ceremony) as you embark on your journey as well as feeling celebrated, valued and loved in our Rebirth graduation when your programme ends.
First Priority Access to Rebirth Events
Loyalty, as trait of the feminine, is a highly held Rebirth value. Enjoy first access to all Rebirth events, products and services including our 'Womb Reclamation' retreat due to be hosted in Egypt in 2025.
Join our priority list
Our brand new immersive Deliciously Dark programme is going live in March 2025. Be the first to know all the details about this offering by leaving your name and email address.
Thank you!
What Our Sisters say
The school has everything that I need for successful study: textbooks, daily assignments, planner, notebooks, music sheets, a staff who are very skilled and experienced, and ready to help at any time.
Jenna White
I am most grateful that my son's art teacher not only makes learning fun and shares his knowledge, but his passion for art as well. I could not have found a better place for him to learn about art.
Walter Gomez